Thursday, March 20, 2008


I went in for my 37 week update and had another good report. This week I am 80% effaced and still 1 centimeter dilated. The doctor was shocked at how much I'd dropped. She said I was progressing perfectly and she felt like my body is doing exactly what it should be doing for an easy delivery - let's hope she's right!! I'm pretty much at the miserable point - I'm not sleeping well, I can't get comfortable, I'm constantly exhausted, and I feel like there's not enough room for me to sit up, eat, move, etc., but I keep having to remind myself that I've had a very easy pregnancy compared to many people. So despite my moaning, I have been very lucky that we haven't had any problems or scares. However, we're ready for Grady to be here!! My Mom thinks that he's going to come tomorrow, Friday, March 21 because it's a full moon - I would love for her to be right about that! Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend! Maybe Grady will be an Easter baby. . .

Grady also got his first sunburn last weekend. We had a beautiful Sunday last week and I decided to blow up our air mattress and prop myself up with about 5 pillows and sit on the back porch and read my book. The sun felt so good and the dogs kept me company and I was so excited to get a little bit of color since I look like a ghost right now, but I didn't realize quite how much sun my baby belly was getting. Good thing our neighbors don't have a clear view into our backyard because it would've been a little frightening to see my huge white stomach on display. I didn't get too burned, just a little pink, but it was worth it because the weather was too beautiful to be inside.


Jennifer Smith said...

Any minute, any minute!!! Hurry up Grady!!! :-D

Heather Dahlby said...

I get so sunburned when I'm pregnant . . . I have to be so careful :) Guess that's what I get for having summer babies!

On pins and needles in GA waiting to hear your good news and see his beautiful face!!

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