Tuesday, March 4, 2008


We are getting very close and very excited. We had a doctors appointment this morning and Morgan and Grady are moving along perfectly. The doctor said that Morgan is the picture perfect pregnancy. She is in line with the weight charts, doing everything the doctors ask her to do, and self-educating enough that she is not calling the doctors at four in the morning for every little bump and movement. The nurse even came in and said how much they love her, because she is so easy to deal with. (They should live with her and that may change their opinion)
Grady has turned completely over and his head is pointing south. This is a good thing as he is getting in the right position to make his grand entrance. The doctor took Morgan's hands and placed them in the right position to feel both sides of Grady's head so she could judge the size. It was grapefruit size and still 4 weeks to go.
I will keep you posted....


Anonymous said...

Just the words "grapefruit-sized head" and "pointed in the right direction" are enough to make me see black spots. Good luck with that. Don't tell me all about it.

Natalie said...

Cracked me up with your small font comment. :) Don't worry Jen--looks like I won't be able to document the arrival of that grapefruit with photos (darn 2 person limit), so you'll be saved from watching the slideshow.....unless I can figure out how to use my tripod and the timer...hmmm.... ;P

Jennifer Smith said...

You guys are both hilarious! Morgan and Andy are lucky to have you....

Jen, I agree with the black spots. Just lemme hold 'im when we're done!

Natalie, LOL! I'm just seeing Andy knock over the tripod when he gets so excited he forgets to keep Morgan calm, and is bouncing in the delivery room himself!

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