Thursday, August 7, 2008


I'm sure that other Moms can relate to this, but one of my biggest fears is forgetting the way things feel. I know I have pictures and we can take videos, but I'm so afraid that I'm going to forget how it feels to hold Grady when he's this age, and how I feel when he smiles up at me in the middle nursing, or how I feel when I hear him giggle and grunt and growl and squeal. I don't ever want to forget all of these changes, the lack of sleep, the sneaking into his room at night just to look at him sleeping and just being a new mom flying by the seat of my pants. It's already going too fast and he's growing so quickly and I'm trying to take it all in the best I can and enjoy it, but I still have this fear of forgetting my feelings during this time.


michael and anne said...

i remember having that same fear. and i have forgotten some of the funny things i didn't write down. but the sweet times, the important milestones, the feelings, stick. especially if you tell him when he's older about when he was a baby. Aidan loves that, and it helps me remember. i've so been where you are. you are such a sweet mommy, and he's so precious.

Anonymous said...

You're right these are precious times for you to treasure up in your heart. But should you forget, the joy of being a grandparent get to experience those sweet times all over again!

Natalie said...

I think Anne said it perfectly--the important things will stick. I can't remember exactly how old Alex was when he did certain stuff or what order some stuff came in...but even two years later I still get the exact same warm and 'complete' feeling when I watch him sleep or hold him in my arms. You will remember--and you will have more to remember. It's a mom thing. :)

Nicole Frost Gardner said...

I too remember those'll love every stage and every age...although I will say that when he starts talking you'll want to write down the funny things he for me I'll go to tell some one something Brauton said and I won't be able to remember and then of course when the moment has passed...guess what?! I'll remember!

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