Thursday, August 7, 2008


It's been pretty busy around here lately! Last weekend I took Grady to Charlotte to visit Aunt Lou Lou, and our wonderful friend Elissa came with us. It wasn't quite the relaxing, fun weekend I had hoped for. Laurel was stressed because she was still in the process of moving and starting a new job (so proud of her!) and I was stressed because Grady and I didn't get much sleep Friday night. Thank goodness Elissa was there because after having a breakdown in the middle of Southpark Mall because my child was so tired that he couldn't stop crying, Elissa reminded me that this kind of thing happens to every mother and that I wasn't a horrible mother, etc., etc., etc. I felt like a horrible mother because I felt that I was being selfish for wanting to shop in a mall that is actually nice - usually Grady does so well when we're out and he goes right to sleep when he's tired, but he just couldn't get to sleep. It's been hard for me to figure out a balance between doing something that I want to do for myself and doing what I need to do for him. Anyway, Saturday night turned out to be much more restful, but I think I'm going to stay close to home for a little longer!

Andy had a boys weekend while we were gone - he played poker Friday night at our house and then went camping on an island (yuck!) on Saturday night with a group of guys from our church. Grady and I were ready to come home to Daddy and I think Andy was ready for us to get home.

Anyway, this weekend should be a nice relaxing weekend at home.

Here are some new pictures - I don't know how Andy and I made such an adorable baby! He's so vocal and he loves standing (with a little help from us for balance), he loves grunting and growling, and he loves licking his toes!

Daddy and Grady playing Wii - this is "Daddy Day Care" in our home.


Anonymous said...

I love the expression on Grady's face as his Daddy is playing Wii...the look matches his Daddy's.

Anonymous said...

I love the expression on Grady's face as his Daddy is playing Wii...the look matches his Daddy's.

He is probably wondering where the toes are on those little people.

Natalie said...

I LOVE checking your blog and finding new pictures!! You are so much better at that than me! :) Grady is so absolutely adorable!!

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