Thursday, August 28, 2008


I know I've been horrible about keeping this updated, but there's been so much going on that it just exhausts and overwhelms me to keep it all updated, but I'll try.

First thing, Grady had his 4 month appointment this past Tuesday and he weighs 16 pounds and is 26 inches long - the doctor said he thinks he's going to be a tall football player. The doctor said he looked great, seemed very happy and healthy and was very proud that we're still breastfeeding. I asked him if he could tell if Grady was teething - he's been showing signs - fussiness, drooling, gnawing on everything in sight - and the doctor said that he felt a ridge on his bottom front gums. No teeth yet, but they're working on it! He's also been cleared to start eating baby food - I've tried twice and it's not going so well, as you can see. . .
He prefers this kind of meal!

Second, and very very important, our boy finally slept through the night!! We went to a "yard golf tournament" last Saturday and Grady charmed everyone and spent the night being passed from lap to lap - he was so good! Grady and I came home after I nursed him at 8 pm and I gave him a bath and read him some books and put him to sleep. Around 11:30 I got him out of bed and gave him his bottle with a little bit of rice cereal in it and he ate while sleeping and was back in bed asleep at midnight and he slept until 7:30 am!! I fed him at 7:30, played with him for a little while and then he fell back asleep. Since then he hasn't gone quite as long, but he's doing so much better!

Thank goodness Grady is sleeping better because his Mamma is about to head back to work tomorrow. I finally just decided that if things fell into place with me going back to work then I would do so, and if they didn't, then I would continue to stay home. I interviewed at 2 firms and the second firm really emphasized family first - this was one of the most important criteria to me because I don't want to miss my time with Grady and Andy because I'm working late. Everything about the firm sounded great - they gave me the choice between being a workers compensation paralegal or litigation paralegal (they do insurance defense)- I chose workers comp - they also offered me more money than I asked for - who does that!? The same day I decided to go to one of the daycares where we were on the waitlist just to check out the facilities and teachers, etc. When I walked in the Director told me that they had moved 3 babies out of the baby room and one baby left so they had an immediate opening if I was interested. I went to the baby room to check it out and there were 3 grandmother-like ladies sitting around on the floor and in rocking chairs playing with babies - all of the babies seemed happy and content. I've been back several times and have seen the same thing. So, it pretty much all fell together. It's kind of bittersweet - I'm excited and sad all at the same time. Hopefully I'll get a chance to stay home with him again once the economy straightens out and we aren't as nervous about money and jobs. I'm definitely looking forward to putting on my high heels again! : )

I know there are a million other things I've forgotten to update about, but here are some pictures to keep you all happy until next time!


Natalie said...

Yea! He is so frickin cute!! I am SO excited to see him in just a few weeks. Don't let him get ANY bigger!! And I have dibs on first hold! :)

Anonymous said...

Not if I beat you there first, Natalie Shivers. Morgs, he is so hugemongous! I had a dream last night that he was 3 feet tall and had long hair, but was still only 4 months old. Very freaky. Can't wait to see you guys in 2 weeks! Have a great first day.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, Grady will be too big for me to pick up before long. I loved, loved, loved seeing new pictures (including the one with the baby food). Hope your first day went great...for both you and Grady!

Kayce said...

Hope you had a great first day at work. I'm so glad you finally updated the blog! = )

Thanks for everything you did for us on Friday to make it special. It was the best day ever!

Nicole Frost Gardner said...

So sweet, he is getting so big! We miss you guys! Love from The Gardners

Mary Eva said...

I hope the first days of work are going well. I have been praying for you during this challenging time, especially with the pumping at work. I love the pictures of Grady eating his first meal AND the picture of the 'preferred' meal! Delightful.

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