Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I went back with very high hopes that I would get to be induced tomorrow and was told that it wasn't going to happen. I cried for 2 hours. Next appointment is next Monday, April 7.


Melis said...

Hang in there! I was dialating for a MONTH before Jack arrived... all this will be worth it when you hold your baby in your arms. I bet you don't even make it to April 7th. One of these days you'll be up for the 28th consecutive hour listening to pointless crying and pulling your hair out feeling helpless and you'll miss being 39 miserable weeks pregnant!

Heather Dahlby said...

Oh Morgan! I'm aching for you! I know how much you want Grady to be here (and how nice it will be to get your body back!). We are thinking of you all the time and can't wait to hear. Like Melis (Melissa?) mentioned -- you might not even make it to April 7th!

When I was in those last few weeks, my doctor said "See you next week . . ." and I replied with, "If I'm still pregnant." He gave me a firm, "Oh, you will be!" And Meg arrived about 3 days later!!!

The Melda Family said...

Hey Morgan... thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! That was so nice of you!
I am so sorry that you aren't holding Grady right now! I will be thinking of you and HOPING HOPING he gets here VERY SOON.. at least by the weekend! Waiting is SUCH TORTURE... but you will meet your son before you know it! CONGRATS!

Natalie said...

You are doing such a good job being a momma-to-be! Don't worry about the tears...at least the doctor didn't eat your apple pie. Now THAT would have been a disaster!!! :) Can't wait to see little Grady and talk to him lots since Mommy will still be giving him the silent treatment, haha!

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