Wednesday, April 9, 2008

APRIL 9, 2008

So today is the day that Grady is due to make his entrance into the world, and he's showing no signs of doing so. As of Monday, 4/7, the Dr. said that I showed no more progression from last week. I have an inducement appointment set for Monday, April 14 at 6:30 a.m. - so they say. . . We have to call the hospital around 5:45 Monday morning to make sure they have a bed - if there are no beds available b/c other people have come in with emergencies, then we're put off another day.

One of my friends sent me an article about Scallini's (a restaurant in Atlanta that Andy and I had gone to a few times while we lived there) guaranteeing that their eggplant parmesan would bring labor on - if the mother did not go into labor within 36 hours, her next meal was free - they had over 300 pictures of babies who were born after their mother's ate eggplant parmesan. It would obviously have been very difficult to make it to Atlanta, but my friend seemed to think that I could probably eat eggplant parmesan anywhere since she had a friend who ate it homemade and went into labor. So, we headed to this little Italian restaurant for me to eat something I hate. Sure enough, I still think it's disgusting, but I went ahead and ate it. Guess what, I'm still pregnant.

Everybody kept telling me that walking would help bring on labor - I walked for 4 days straight last week and nothing happened except that I was totally worn out. I told my Dr. this and she said that if any of these things actually worked, she would never induce anyone - so for all you pregnant people, don't believe all the stories you hear about certain things and activities bringing on labor!

I'm trying to keep myself as distracted as possible, so I'm finishing up working this week and I've been making these cute little door plaques - if you have a kid, you may be getting one in the mail b/c they are providing a great distraction for me and they are fun to make and I doubt Andy will let me put a door plaque on every door in the house. Above is the one that I made for Grady's door.

Hopefully the next post will include a picture of a baby. . .


Kayce said...
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Kayce said...

Grady's door plaque is SO cute! I love it—can I get one even if I'm not expecting? = )

The good news is...if they don't have enough beds to fit your inducement in, you can make it to Bunco and win one of my super cute prizes!

Can't wait to meet Grady!

The Melda Family said...

Awe! I was hoping that you weren't able to blog this week because you were at the hospital! I know this waiting is complete torture, but you are NOT alone, all of my friends lately are going past their due dates. I tried the eggplant too -authentic FROM Scallini's, along with everything else in the book, and it didn't work for me either! I hope he is a good little boy and comes SOON! :)

Anonymous said...

Awww, Morg! I'm so sorry. I dreamed about you last night, actually, and was sure when I woke up that you'd had him. Doh! It was a long dream with lots of stuff going on, but it ended with a big, happy, healthy, cute baby! Let's hope it was a sign that he's coming soon!

Anonymous said...

April 14th....what a GREAT day to have a baby! Hardy will be celebrating his 1st on that same day...hard to believe how time flies. Of course his due date was actually April 10th....but he was a stubborn little fellow just like Grady. Let's hope that isn't a sign of things to come! :)

Natalie said...

Sorry my advice about the eggplant parmesan was a bust! :) I think you should keep him in for two more weeks so he'll be nice and fresh-picked when I get there.....


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