Monday, July 21, 2008


I hate it! Every night that we let Grady cry it out before going to sleep breaks our hearts. We'd been putting it off forever and we know we probably should've done it earlier, but we just couldn't stomach it. We finally started the cry it out process last Monday - everyone has said it would only take 3 to 7 days. Well, we're on day 8 and I just put him down for a nap - I rocked him until he could barely keep his eyes open, turned on his mobile and the sound machine, gave him a pacie, told him how much I love him and he still cried/screamed/squalled for 10 minutes. Some days the crying takes a shorter amount of time so we think he's getting the hang of it, and then the next day it seems to take 30 minutes again. Andy and I have to force each other to stay out of his room. The only good thing that seems to be coming from it is that he's sleeping for longer stretches of time at night, although he's still not sleeping through the night - but I don't even know that the sleeping for longer stretches is because we're torturing him and not responding to his cries or if it's just that he's not getting hungry as quickly. I know he's so smart, but he just doesn't seem to be learning from all the crying!


Kayce said...

I am SO glad you updated this thing! I check it everyday waiting to see new pictures of the little stud. He is SO precious!

Melis said...

... not to be discouraging, but we tried it too and it didn't work... but don't worry, if it doesn't, it doesn't mean you did anything wrong! And it's tough, for sure, but he won't be worse off for a few extra nights of crying! Stay strong and keep it up! Let me know if you need any advice - we had a bad sleeper on our hands who nursed to 13 months, so I'm on hand with any help I can give! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I cannot post my horror stories for fear DFACS will hunt me down. Wyatt never seemed bothered by the screaming fits once they were over (and some lasted a REALLY long time!). I focused on the hugs, kisses, and smiles he had for me once he had a good nap! Hang in there!! Grady is doing great!

Natalie said...

Stay tough kiddo! You can be a better mommy when you are getting sleep at night. Now that I know about getting sleep at night (finally), I can vouch for how great it is!! :)
The pictures are all super cute. I am dying to see him again! I think he looks JUST like his daddy in the very first picture.

Anonymous said...

Oh is hard to read about my Grady learning to go to sleep independently. It may be good that I'm not there because there would be three of us clinging to each other trying to keep from going to him and scooping him up!

Give him LOTS of sugars for me on his sweet little head.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Nat on the pictures, except I looked at the first and said, ANDY!! Then I looked at the second and said, BALD MORGAN!! He's definitely a cutie

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