Having a 8 month old boy during the holidays keeps us very busy. We have been trying to finish our christmas shopping, get the tree up, wrap presents, make travel plans, get the house ready for guests, and attend a bunch of Christmas parties. So please forgive us for not posting lately. Here are a few pictures of our boy. I am sure we will have more as it gets closer to Christmas.
Grady eating his first "Puff".
Watching the Jackets play on Saturday.
His 8 month picture in his chair.
Grady eating naked and demanding more food.
"Thank you for my outfit Aunt Jen, but I am going to Georgia Tech."
And you wonder why he is so cute.
Hangin with Aunt Lou Lou.
Grady's first Thanksgiving in Asheville.
"C'mon Mom, enough with the camera already."
"Pop, I want a BMW too."
"Hey wait, this is not my tub."
Grady got to me his Aunt Jeannie while in Asheville.
GT BEAT GEORGIA. Grady's first in a long line of wins against the Dogs.
We went and picked out our tree. Grady wore a silly hat. (Thanks Mom)
Grady hung out on the floor and played while we decorated the tree.
He has so much fun in the bath.
The finished product.