Sunday, January 25, 2009


First, Andy and Grady had their first all-boys weekend last weekend while I traveled to Memphis for a girls' weekend. They went to Savannah for part of the time while I was gone to get spoiled by D-Daddy and Grandma.

Grady has started doing the one armed army crawl - it's so cute and so funny!! We put him on the kitchen floor while we were unloading groceries and he army crawled to the dog bowl and started chewing - on ceramic. . . Then he grabbed the legs of one of the stools and started moving it around. I think we're in for it!

Of course most exciting for me, "Mama" is now in Grady's vocabulary. Yay!! Once he started saying it, he hasn't stopped. I think he actually knows that I'm "Mama" because Andy was holding him and he reached for me and said "Mama". It was more wonderful than I thought it would be to hear him say that!


Amanda said...

Thats cute!!! You are in for it. :) Once they start they don't stop and their into everything. You better bring all the baby locks out now, lol. He sure is a cutie pie!

Anonymous said...

I think that chair in Grady's room is shrinking! Grady is growing up too fast!

I can't wait to see that crawling technique. I'm sure he'll have it perfected by the time we see him.

Natalie said...

No fair! I had to wait FOREVER to hear "mama". :( But I'll grudgingly offer congrats. Haha! Can't wait to see him--we have GOT to get down there soon.

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