Thursday, September 20, 2007


Morgan and I went in for our 11 week ultrasound today. We were trying a new doctor because her regular doctor does not deliver at the Hospital close to our house. I think we are going to keep looking. They did have some really cool technology where they could video tape the babie's movements inside the womb. The baby was very active and dancing all over the place as you can see. Morgan swears it is a little ballerina girl.... We will see.


Here is the real ultrasound. You can see the head, arms and legs pretty well. The baby measures 10 cm and is growing rapidly.


Cousin Margot said...

Yay! I am very happy for all three of you. I am glad that the baby was able to attend a football game in the south. No matter where he or she attends college, my hope is that he or she will have a passion for college football!

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